Thursday, December 29, 2011


Where to even begin on this one…  I’ve learned a lot about relationships in the last year.  I’ve lost the biggest relationship I had in my life. Other friendships have ended or changed.  I’ve gained new relationships, while others have grown.  This aspect of my life has been and continues to be a roller coaster in my life.

My marriage/separation/divorce.  I struggle greatly with what to share here.  Part of me just wants to put it all out there, share everything, but prudence tells me that would not be the wise thing to do.  But at the same time I certainly can’t ignore it, It has been a large part of who I am and where I am right now.  So, I’ll just share some thoughts on marriage.  First, really appreciate what you have, don’t wait for it to be gone before you realize exactly what you have lost.  Second, communicate, and realize communicating is a two way street.  If your spouse tells you that you aren’t meeting a need of theirs, or they need something more from you, HEAR IT.  Don’t just say “Oh, okay” and move on.  Do something about it!!!  And lastly make sure your priorities are straight.  Your relationship with the Lord should always come first, but a very close second should be your spouse.  Then the rest of your family followed by everyone else.  If you get this mixed up it is a recipe for disaster.

Along with the above comes the loss or change of other friendships.  I’ve lost many friendships, some perhaps temporarily, others maybe forever.  Almost all of my friendships have been affected in some way or another.  Again, let me reiterate my previous sentiment; don’t take for granted what you have, because you never know when it might be gone.

My new job has provided a new relationship for me: the most awesome boss I’ve ever had.  I don’t just say this to kiss up to him (but that doesn’t hurt either)…  Bill has supported me through a lot of crap.  He has seen potential in me, and allowed that potential to grow.  It’s nice to have a boss that actually cares about you as a person, and not just the role you fill within the company.

While dealing with everything I’m going through I’ve had some really big supporters that are helping me through it.  I’ve had support going through my unemployed time, I’ve had support through my marital problems, I’ve had people pushing me in my spiritual walk.  I know that I can’t name everyone who has in some way helped support me in any of these ways in the last year.  So if you are reading this and it applies to you, THANK YOU.

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