Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The new me and Shaq

So through all that has went on in the last year or so, I am discovering a new Jason.  Oddly though, this new Jason looks a lot like an older version.  But the older version went by a different moniker…  Most of the people who knew me back then called me Shaq.  

There is probably a good chunk of you who have come into my life well after I had tried to end this, so I should explain some.  In high school and college I had a nickname; it was Shaq (thanks Sammy Martin).  And when I say nickname, it is really an understatement.  It was just want everyone called me, including a lot of my teachers and professors.  I still have a very small, very close group of friends who still call me this periodically.  When they do this, I both cringe and warm inside.  By no means am I asking people to start calling me that again, but if you do I’m not asking you to stop either, I appreciate it (kinda)…

The biggest common factor between Shaq and the new me is self confidence.  I mean, really, it takes a some self confidence to introduce yourself as Shaq.  Especially when it is a college professor asking what you would like to be called. 

When I was in high school, I always wanted to be somewhere doing something with people.  I could make people laugh better than most.  Then sometime over the last 12 years that went away.  I don’t know when, and I don’t know why, but it got to the point where I would come up with lies to avoid being around people.  Well, slowly and surely I’m finding this new old me. 

I feel like a different person than I was even 6 months ago.  I can point at a variety of different factors.  The first reason is my faith.  I spent a long time looking for my affirmation from people instead of God.  The second reason is a large loss in weight.  I look much slimmer than I used to, I’m buying new more trendy clothes instead of wearing the same old stuff I’ve always worn.  I don’t know how many times I’ve told people that “I know I look good” in the last couple of months, but that is something that I never would have thought before, let alone said out loud.  Another reason is encouraging words from my friends and family.  A lot of times I think people underestimate the power of positive words.

Thanks to my friends for their encouraging words.
Jason (AKA Shaq)

1 comment:

  1. You are looking good my friend! Keep up the good work! Proud of you. Your friend...
